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Where is HR heading towards ?

Last post August 11, 2006 03:18 AM by CHRM. 1 repiles.

August 10, 2006 11:06 PM 1
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Where is HR heading towards ?

Hello Friends,

It's the time when we are talking about corporate ethics, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, etiquettes, transition of function from personnel to human resource to knowledge management and so on..

Can we really ideate as to where is HR heading towards ?
What shall be the next significant innovation in the field HRM by way of functions, role features ?
Considering that HR's form the core pillars of any organization today, what shall be the challenging road ahead ?
HR is considered a thank-less job at present, will it ever be valued as a thank-ful one ?

Views, opinions, ideas, thoughts from the respected professionals shall be anticipated.

Warm Regards,




August 11, 2006 03:182
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Re: Where is HR heading towards ?

Human Resource management amongst the other sub-functions is moving towards a millenieum where certain factors will deeply shape the entire workplace. Few of the innovations, initiative and developments for a workplace in general and human resource in specific shall be..

1. Reengineering: Companies are continually redesigning work systems to maximize flexibility, efficiency, and effectiveness. 

2. Restructuring: Organization charts are being (or should be) dismantled because more and more of the real work is being done by ad hoc teams. 

3. Technology: Advances in technology are dissolving most of the traditional boundaries (time and place) around work. 

4. Knowledge-Work: There is less and less "low-skill" work for anyone to do in the new economy. More and more basic tasks and responsibilities require the leveraging of information, skill, and knowledge (and sometimes even wisdom). 

5. Diversity: An increasing percentage of the workforce is made up of people all across the demographic map. The wide range of life experiences, perspectives, preferences, values and styles of this diverse workforce is radically rewriting the most basic tenets of doing business. 

6. Globalization: Almost anyone today can buy from foreign suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers; sell to foreign companies and foreign consumers; tap into existing markets; open new markets; start foreign ventures; or take over and reinvigorate existing business entities. If you’re not thinking global, you might as well hide under your desk. 

7. The Virtual Workplace: As long as they have a place to plug in, most people can work almost anywhere and anytime. People are more alone than ever at work, yet more connected than anyone could ever have imagined.

We'll probably have to watch out for these and more developments which shall count on the future shaping of the human resource function.



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