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The Inner Quest

Last post January 18, 2007 06:38 AM by tesmian. 1 repiles.

January 6, 2007 07:58 PM 1
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Post Date: January 18, 2007
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Location: India

The Inner Quest


Any quest in search of the inner I involves a lot of time; and lots of experiences of various hues relevant to the individual alone. A protracted phase in this search is the quelling of one’s internal chatter. It is insidious, at worst, catching one unawares always; backstabbing a cherished desire, sidestepping a noble intention, veering away from a set purpose, instilling a memory blackout, corrupting a determined attempt, upsetting a game plan, clouding a focused move and what have you. And the path to this quelling is different for every single individual. The only certainty in the process is persistence- going it again and again and again- blowing away these winds of negativity with positive breaths.

An iota of experience gained in the process suffuses one with a liberal dose of self- confidence and inner contentment. Faint glimmerings of some hazy purpose are made visible. The excitement of this quest is that the end is never known, nor will the question of how it will eventually be revealed. And one should not pursue that, I feel. The excitement of the chase will be diminished to that extent.

Once anticipated or expected results are done away with, the hunt will always be on.

The self- confidence is a sure bet- and it touches upon one’s attitudes and responses to one’s circumstances. We begin to see the world differently. And we delve deeper into our head to find the same contracted process begin yet again. It is an unsteady, inconsistent process and can wear the patience of the stout- hearted.

The way to the deep- set sub- conscious is thorny and full of deceptions indeed.

One can, I feel, never relinquish this path once one has taken some meaningful steps forward. The purpose becomes the quest itself for the excitement it generates and the contentment it gives.

This process is the same for any concentrated activity in life, however small or big. For the execution of any physical/ mental activity involves this inner quest.

It is the essence of the Divine Song.

And everyone walks this swerving path. One’s travails and heroics lead one to flag posts along the way. A flag post is never the end of the race or chase. It is ever a never- ending race where one will always see yet another mountain ahead to conquer.

And one moves on gamely.
January 18, 2007 06:332
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Post Date: January 18, 2007
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Location: India

Re: The Inner Quest

What is the quest? Who guides it? Is there an inner presence that truly guides us from within the inner planes? These are important questions that one does not need to answer, because we already know and have experienced that such a presence really exists within us. This presence leads and unfolds the spiritual dimension of our process from within the inner planes of our being. Indeed, for us, there is no doubt, since the presence is linked to us by an ethereal "umbilical" thread. Thus, we gradually realize that this presence is a projection sent by the essence of our soul.

Nice though provoking stuff, arvensh !!!



January 18, 2007 06:383
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Post Date: January 18, 2007
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Re: The Inner Quest

When all desires that surge in the heart are renounced, the mortal becomes immortal.
When all knots that strangle the heart are loosened, the mortal becomes immortal.
This sums up the teachings of the scriptures - Katha Upanishads

What can one say to this but Om shanti !

Keep it going, arvensh. You've been wonderful in opening the insights of the cocoon by your regular spiritual high's.
