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Setting up a Performance Management System

September 16, 2007 11:12 AM 1
Total Posts: 34
Join Date: May 27, 2007
Rank: Executive
Post Date: January 1, 1970
Posts: 34
Location: United States

Setting up a Performance Management System

Setting up a good performance management system doesn´t happen overnight or by accident. We need to consider its design and carefully plan how it will work - before managers begin using it to evaluate employees.

A performance management system should provide employees with these four basic benefits:

A clear understanding of job expectations
Regular feedback about performance
Advice and steps for improving performance
Rewards for good performance
The goal of a performance management system is to help boost employee performance and, ultimately, the productivity of the business. For it to be effective, a performance management system should incorporate the following critical elements:

Updated job descriptions. Job descriptions should clearly describe the employee´s current duties and performance expectations. Position descriptions should be specific, clearly defining the job function, required skills, deadlines and goals, and should delineate expectations for the employee´s relations with peers and customers.

Keep job descriptions current, especially during times of organizational change. Rapid growth and downsizing inevitably add new responsibilities and shift employees´ workloads.

Performance measures and standards. Once we have job descriptions in place, we need to establish performance standards that describe what constitutes below-average, average, and above-average performance. Start by thinking about the best- and worst-case scenarios until we reach realistic standards for measuring performance.

Next, determine how we´re going to measure the expectations outlined in the job description. This requires both objective and subjective methods of assessment. In some situations it´s easy to gauge performance by looking at the numbers: for example, how many new accounts an employee brought in or how many products an employee assembled.

Quantifying an employee´s coping skills, customer service skills or attitude is much more difficult. Some managers also have biases or poor evaluation skills. Establish clear guidelines and measures that eliminate potential bias and prevent evaluators from subjectively determining what constitutes excellent and unacceptable behavior.

Evaluator training. Research shows that managers with poor communication or interpersonal skills are often the downfall of a company´s otherwise sound performance management program. All managers need training on how to communicate and how to conduct fair, nonjudgmental and consistent appraisals. An effective performance management system will administer training to managers before they conduct their first reviews.

Guidelines for improvement. Institute basic policies to cope with employee weaknesses and poor performance. Decide if we´ll provide training or mentoring for employees exhibiting subpar performance. Set guidelines that outline how long it should it take an employee to improve and what steps will be taken if the employee fails to show improvement.

Employee input. Solicit and evaluate staff suggestions for our performance management program. Incorporate employee input into our program or system as needed.

Compensation and rewards. When our employees perform well they should be compensated. Rewards keep morale high, generate loyalty and foster additional improvement. But closely linking pay hikes and promotions to performance appraisals is a contested issue. Critics say that too close a tie between performance evaluation and compensation may be punishing or unfair to employees who don´t overachieve.

Regardless of how and when we choose to compensate our employees, an above-average appraisal deserves acknowledgment. Make sure we consistently reward employees for their hard work.
