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HR & Marketing

Last post November 16, 2008 03:54 AM by nandalal. 1 repiles.

October 9, 2008 11:24 PM 1
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Post Date: November 16, 2008
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HR & Marketing

Hi All,

What is the role of HR professional if the organization is not doing well on marketing and sales front, not getting enough projects, work and top performers are not getting enough job satisfaction, challenging work & cant see their career growth? How to maintain the morale of the employees in above situation? How HR professional shall convey the management about this situation?

comments, suggestions, experiences sharing are highly expected.



October 13, 2008 10:002
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Re: HR & Marketing


This is a tough call for any HR Pro to do. But is the case most of the times especially in small amd middle organizations. the one thing that the HR function should do is communicate clearly to the management the reasons of dissatisfaction of the employees and also give some suggestions on incentives to the employees in terms of recognition and plan for developmental work.

It is really tough to work with your hands tied at your back. The one way to do is communicate an Employee satisfaction survey to the management.



November 16, 2008 03:513
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Post Date: November 16, 2008
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Re: HR & Marketing

My suggestion is to leave the organization if you feel top management is responsible to bring the organization to such a situation.

It is a leadership issue and if they do not listen to HR inputs, let them run their HR dept themselves, attract people, interview them and accept resignation letters and take exit interviews. Some day some one will get a hang of the issues flowing across the organization.

I have seen in such situations HR people leave first, and CEO leaves after sometime with due parting fee. Most of the cases the focus is on managing individual goals of having own people, getting more money or fame or else - but not business growth in right earnest.

As a professional - you have nothing to do, except find a better place for yourself. You will get enough support from our community to find a place.

November 16, 2008 03:544
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Rank: Executive
Post Date: November 16, 2008
Points: 60
Location: United States

Re: HR & Marketing

Hi All,

As a HR professional, I believe that HR team also has some responsibility in case sales and marketing team not achievig their target or if they are not getting enough project.

We all recognise that HR professional must be taken seriously as business partner. HR department is not only created to develop organization policy and imlement it.

HR being a business partner must understand your industry and organization. You need to compare the scenario that if every organization are doing bad or it is yours only. If every organization is doing good then why sales and marketing team of your organization is doing bad??

Is there change in market scenario or if your sales team require some additional training in either understanding the business or if they need training related with their skills.

You also need to check how the processes inside the organization need to be modified or new processes need to be implemented.

You also need to discuss this with head of sales, marketing and finance.

Personally I believe HR can play a great role in the kind of scenario and I believe same thing has been done by HR professionals in many organization.

Please let me know if you need any help regarding this.

Warm Regards
