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band wise categorisation

Last post January 6, 2010 08:02 AM by gmitchell. 1 repiles.

November 14, 2009 01:11 PM 1
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band wise categorisation

hi friends,

what parameter should be kept in mind for band wise categorisation of employees(how categorisation is made?)?I am baffleled about categorising the employee should be done on what basis either on exp. base ,or salary structure or educational base or any other thing ???????      plsssssssss help me seniors

January 6, 2010 08:022
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Join Date: November 14, 2009
Rank: Beginner
Post Date: January 6, 2010
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Location: India

Re: band wise categorisation

When you talk about banding employees in an organisation, it has nothing to do with their experience, edu. qualifications or any other factor that led to them being recruited.

What you really want to do here is to look at your hiearchy and see the number of layers you have based on which you may want to start your banding process.

An example of this could be as follows:

Band 1 - CEO, MD, Directors

Band 2 - Presidents, VP's

Band 3 - AVP's, GM's DGM's

Band 4 - Managers, DM's, Asst. Mgrs

Band 5 - Associates, Office executives.

Within your bands you can also have Grades that would seperate the designations in each band. E.g. CEO would be Band 1 Grade A, MD can be Band 1 Grade B and so on

Based on the above you can now start considering your salary ranges within each band and grade.

Hope this helps.

