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Depreciating Vaue of a Task?

Last post March 14, 2012 00:30 AM by negiS. 1 repiles.

November 29, 2011 10:42 PM 1
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Post Date: March 14, 2012
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Depreciating Vaue of a Task?

Dear All,

How do we measure the depreciating value of a task? For example, an employee is given a task (e.g. design a marketing plan). This employee may take 2 days, 2 weeks or 2 months to complete this task. Now with delay of each day, the value (or ROI) of task goes down i.e. the task's value is depreciating. So my question is, How do we calculate or measure the correlation between task completion (or task delay) & cost associate with this delay?

Thanks & Regards,


March 14, 2012 12:302
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Post Date: March 14, 2012
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Re: Depreciating Vaue of a Task?

Dear Bimal,
This is a good question, because we never think that a job should be treated as a product too.
May be we could assume some task like this :

Task 1  : Type invitation letter for Local Manager. (Target : Wednesday, 2 pm)
Task 2  : Make daily report to Direct Supervisor. (Target : Wednesday, 2 pm)
Task 3  : Prepare Power Point presentation for all Directors. (Target : Wednesday, 2 pm)
Since the target is same for all task, so that we have make some priority by giving weight for each of task.

Task 1  : Type invitation letter for Local Manager. (Target : Wednesday, 2 pm) – Weight : 10
Task 2  : Make daily report to Direct Supervisor. (Target : Wednesday, 2 pm) – Weight : 20
Task 3  : Prepare Power Point presentation for all Directors. (Target : Wednesday, 2 pm) – Weight : 40
From this point, we can count the maximum score for each task by its fulfillment.

Task 1 : Start Monday (2 days before). So, the daily value is [(x+1) / 2] x Weight, that is (3 / 2) x 10 = 15.
Task 2 : Start Monday (2 days before). So, the daily value is [(x+1) / 2] x Weight, that is (3 / 2) x 20 = 30.
Task 3 : Start Monday (2 days before). So, the daily value is [(x+1) / 2] x Weight, that is (3 / 2) x 30 = 45.
If Task 1 is delay some days, so the value estimation is like this :

Days delay : 1, convert to negatif value (-1)
Weight : 10
Value = (0 / 2) x 10 = 0
Days delay : 2, convert to negatif value (-2)
Weight : 10
Value = (-1 / 2) x 10 = -5
Days delay : 3, convert to negatif value (-3)
Weight : 10
Value = (-2 / 2) x 10 = -10
The same formula is working for the other task, so that we can count the value of job completion.
I think that’s my answer, while I’m still considering another formula for it.

