CSR activities

Last post November 5, 2012 22:34 PM by jayde_renee. 1 repiles.

May 2, 2012 08:36 PM 1
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Post Date: November 5, 2012
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CSR activities

I have been given the responsibility to carry out the corporate social responsibility activities. Since this is a new concept to me, I just wanted to know what all as a corporate can be taken up and what all activities are carried out at ur end under CSR. I would be very grateful to u if u can share ur view on this at the earliest.


November 5, 2012 10:342
Total Posts: 26
Join Date: October 18, 2006
Rank: Executive
Post Date: November 5, 2012
Points: 130
Location: United States

Re: CSR activities

Dear Sophiya,

Firstly, a policy need to be developed. The Policy should cover the follwoing headings:-

Business Ethics
How would you like to conduct your business?

How would you like to treat your employees and their rights?

Local Community
What would u like to do for the local community and how?

Human Rights
What are the areas in human rights u would like to concentrate on?

How would u like ur suppliers commitment to CSR and what are they?

These would give you a broad headings of ur activity.

Let know incase of further questions.
