Can you touch someone in a meaningful way today?
Her future looked grim. Alone in a small bed in a remote village hospital, the palm-sized newborn appeared lifeless. Doctors could barely hear her irregular heartbeat and no one could control her fluctuating temperature. She'd slipped into this world too early-seven weeks premature. And doctors expected her to pass from this world in a matter of days.
In the next bed over, her healthier twin sister fretted while sleeping.Then, due to a shortage of beds, doctors placed the twins together. The sleeping newborn immediately snuggled up to her sibling and rested soundly. And as the hours passed, the doctors noted significant changes in the weaker infant: Her heartbeat normalized, her skin pinkened. The sisters kept close over the next few days, often embracing-always touching.
And each day, the condition of the once frail baby improved. Her recovery baffled the doctors.But it shouldn't have. The baby was simply proof of the wondrous healing power of the strongest of all medicine - the human touch. A parent's touch, a spouse's touch, a teacher's touch, a friend's touch could do wonders.
Can you touch someone in a meaningful way today?