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Yoga - Way to Self Realization

February 6, 2013 11:18 PM 1
Total Posts: 30
Join Date: June 7, 2008
Rank: Executive
Post Date: January 1, 1970
Posts: 30
Location: United States

Yoga - Way to Self Realization

Dear friends,

Yoga is defined as Wholeness, A way of seeing, of self realization. Yoga helps uniting our will with the will of God. Yoga enables linking all the powers of the body, mind and soul. It means disciplining the mind, intellect and the emotions. The will to improve ourselves and to give back to the life a better you.

When the mind and intellect and self are under control, through the practice of Yoga, one is freed from restless desire, then the self is free, unattached to things that will not benefit the person. This freedom is contentment, happiness, Joy.This is the real meaning of Yoga, the freedom from pain and sorrow, moving towards health, wholeness, happiness, contentment and joy.

Through physical postures one is purifying the body, strengthening the mind and guiding the emotions. Practice Yoga to give vitality, strength and courage. To unblock bad habits, and all obstacles that stop the flow of good health.One is present in the moment with the practice of the physical postures. The mind is then silent and still.

Yoga uses the body to control the mind.

