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Need Information on Assessment Center

Last post February 22, 2006 11:32 AM by CHRM. 1 repiles.

February 22, 2006 11:02 AM 1
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Need Information on Assessment Center


Im  in my IIIrd year doing my PT- MBA from NMIMS. Im doing my final year project on Assesment Center. 

I would appreciate if you could help me with few details on
assesment center, or any refernce from whom i can get the data...Would
look forward for your timely help.



February 22, 2006 11:322
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Re: Need Information on Assessment Center

Dear Farheen,

The term "assessment center" is a process consisting of the intense observation of a subject undergoing a variety of stimulation and stress situations over a period of several days. Assessment centers have proven to be an increasingly popular way of identifying individuals having future executive potential so that they may be given the appropriate training and development assignments.

Assessment center is a device of Selection & Management Development and is frequently used as a Career Development tool.

Assessment center is used for evaluating executive or Managerial potential.
It is like an off Company Training programme where managers come together
to participate in job related exercises evaluated by trained observers.

Their behaviour across selected activities like in-basket exercises,
work-groups, role playing, computer simulations ,syndicate discussions are
assessed. The decision regarding the performance of each assessee is based
on this discussion of observations. Self-Appraisals and Peer Evaluation are
also thrown in for final rating.

The characterstics evaluated in an assessment center include assertiveness,
communicative ability, self-confidence, stress management, decision making,
creativity and mental alertness.

A well conducted Assessment Center can and does accurate Potential Appraisals and can generate better forecasts of future performance and progress than other methods of appraisals. Also, reliability, content validity and predictive validity are said to be high in the assessment centers.

For furthermore info, visit which deals in Assessment Center Testing.


Saumil Joshi, Founder