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Business Ethics..!!

Last post August 9, 2006 11:46 AM by bobby. 1 repiles.

August 9, 2006 07:10 AM 1
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Post Date: August 9, 2006
Posts: 18
Location: India

Business Ethics..!!

A meat counter clerk, who had had a particularly good day, proudly flipped his last chicken on a scale and weighed it. "That will be £6.35," he told the customer.

"That's a good price, but it really is a little too small," said the woman. "Don't you have anything larger?"

Hesitating, but thinking fast, the clerk returned the chicken to the refrigerator, paused a moment, then took it out again.

"This one," he said faintly, " will be £6.65."

The woman paused for a moment, then made her decision...

"I know what," she said, "I'll take both of them!"
August 9, 2006 11:462
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Join Date: November 30, -0001
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Post Date: August 9, 2006
Points: 5
Location: India

Re: Business Ethics..!!

Turkey has a trickster character named Nasreddin Hodja. There are a number of tales told about him. Often he achieves a standard of justice in a humorous way. To add on to the topic of business ethics, let me share this brief one..

Nasreddin Hodja was poor in those days, so he went looking for a job. The local mosque needed a tiled path, so he offered to build one for a gold coin. The mullah accepted his offer. After he had built the path, the mullah gave him a silver coin. Hodja accepted the coin grudgingly. In two months, the mullah came back to him, saying "Oh Hodja, your path is so beautiful we want another one. We will pay you another gold coin." Hodja said "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

- bobby