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Appraisals at the Workplace

Last post December 2, 2019 10:11 AM by debora. 1 repiles.

December 29, 2010 04:26 AM 1
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Appraisals at the Workplace

Dear Friends,

Systems which aim to improve workforce performance have been around since Roman times, when liberal use of the whip was considered an enlightened management technique. However, these days there are workplace directives against beating your staff and so you have to find substitutes. The nasty memo, the e-mail from the boss or that old chestnut, the shouting match in the corridor are all very well, but nothing beats a good Performance Appraisal to strike real fear into them.

In truth, the above way of looking at things has gone the way of the Roman Empire (we hope), but vestigial feelings that appraisal systems exist as a tool of aggression are common in many workplaces. We believe that more often than not, this stems from a lack of understanding amongst both management and staff of the underlying purpose of the appraisal.

That fundamental purpose of any performance appraisal is simply to help. To help the individual understand their role, to help them maximise their chances of success within the working environment, to help plan their career and to help the company succeed. If everyone in the organisation is aware of this, and accepts it to be true, then something wonderful starts to happen.

Staff feel more at ease because they work for a company that helps them do their job. They feel more empowered because they know there is help at hand and most importantly, their performance improves because they have a better understanding of roles and expectations.

Each performance management appraisal system will be different, because each company is different. However, there are some key elements which will appear in every well constructed system. The checklist below lists these factors. Check them against your own appraisal system to see if you are getting the very best from your staff.

An appraisal system should have the full support of senior management. Without this, the system will eventually collapse.

The appraisal system should first have been piloted and then reviewed.

The intentions of the appraisal system should be clearly communicated to all staff.

All staff should have training in appraisal techniques. Interviewing skills, giving feedback and objective setting are all elements that require training to be carried out effectively.

The system should enable all staff to have clearly established aims and objectives that are linked with the business strategy.

The appraisal system should follow a cycle of defining the performance that is required, measuring and evaluating it, giving feedback and sharing information with other parts of the organisation.

The appraisal system should have simple and easily understood documentation supporting it.

The appraisal system should not be a part of the standard disciplinary procedures of the company.

The system should be adaptable and encompass all levels of staff in the organisation.

The appraisal system must be subject to ongoing monitoring, review, evaluation and updating. Remember, that as your business evolves, so must your appraisal procedures.



January 22, 2012 11:132
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Re: Appraisals at the Workplace

Thanks for the good post

December 2, 2019 10:113
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Re: Appraisals at the Workplace

 An effective appraisal and performance management process can have a significant impact on an organisation’s culture, staff morale and employee engagement levels – all of which enhance employer brand and support the retention of key talent within a business.

There is debate as to whether traditional appraisal systems are still effective for the needs of an evolving workforce. Organisations such as Deloitte have announced that they are moving towards more ongoing discussions and feedback with employees. Whether it’s traditional six-month reviews and appraisals, or ongoing one-to-ones and performance catch ups, the important element is that there is a clear and consistent approach to performance management and reviews.
A commitment to having appraisal conversations with employees can help to improve the bottom line by aligning individual performance with business objectives. It also supports the creation of a more people-focused culture and an environment in which employees will want to stay, progress and thrive.
Employee recognition and rewards
Appraisals provide the opportunity to recognise and reward employees and to ensure they feel valued for the work that they do. By monitoring performance and progress against objectives employers can assess whether to reward staff with salary increases, promotions or bonuses. It’s also a chance to say thank you and to provide verbal feedback and praise. Rewarding any successes highlighted doesn’t have to be financial. Although money still holds considerable importance, and salaries should be regularly reviewed to ensure they remain competitive and in line with performance, simple and sincere acknowledgements still go a long way towards maintaining employee engagement.
New challenges and clear objectives
Organisations with a great workplace culture are ones where employees feel a real sense of belonging. They understand what the organisation is trying to achieve, are inspired by its mission and values and recognise how their role plays a part in achieving overall success. The discussions which take place during appraisal meetings will help employees to understand how the individual objectives set for them will play a part in the wider business plan. This helps to give employees a sense of ownership within the collective vision and to empower them to achieve the results needed. It’s also a great opportunity to regularly review objectives and to provide ongoing challenges to ensure employees remain motivated by new goals and experiences.
Continued progression and development
Organisations which provide clear progression opportunities are attractive to new recruits and are more likely to be able to retain talented employees by mapping out a career path for them. Regularly looking at performance will help to identify when employees are ready to take on more responsibility. Setting aside the time to discuss an employee’s individual ambitions will also help organisations to spot and develop potential talent and build a strong succession pipeline.
Culture of trust and openness
In today’s fast paced business world, it’s more important than ever to maintain a meaningful, two-way dialogue with employees to help keep talented people within your organisation. One of the key enablers for achieving employee engagement is to ensure that employees have a voice and appraisal and performance review meetings can help to fuel discussion and empower staff to share their opinions. They will feel encouraged to influence innovation by feeding ideas upwards and the relationship which develops from open communication within appraisal systems will help employees to feel more able to approach and discuss any ideas or issues outside of these meetings as well.
Support and training
Open discussions on performance can help to identify any problems early and provides the opportunity to explore positive solutions. Managers can look at what additional training and support could be provided to enable the employee to achieve results which they would feel proud of. High performing employees can be supported with further training to help them to progress to the next level in their careers.
Prevention of long-term dissatisfaction
Issues can usually be nipped in the bud before they escalate to the point of someone leaving if they can be raised through appraisal meetings. It is a great opportunity for an employee to raise any worries or concerns, or to discuss any barriers which they feel are holding them back. Taking the time to listen to employees and address any concerns helps to create a happier workforce and will continue to fuel a culture of openness and trust.
Supporting staff to deliver an effective appraisal system
For appraisals and performance communications to work to best effect, managers need to feel effectively equipped to provide regular feedback and ongoing performance management. Investing in training for managers to able to deliver effective performance appraisals with an authentic approach is a worthwhile investment. Maintaining a natural management style will help them to foster the trust and respect needed to build open and transparent relationships and developing skills such as active listening and performance assessment will help to ensure a constructive appraisal system is in place.