Community » HR Forums » Self Excellence » Tales of Wisdom» Diversity

Last post July 17, 2006 22:56 PM by sujith. 1 repiles.

July 17, 2006 06:08 PM 1
Total Posts: 278
Join Date: June 6, 2006
Rank: Coach
Post Date: July 17, 2006
Posts: 278
Location: Sri Lanka


As I watch my daughter opening her birthday gifts, while seated in a circle on the floor with all of her friends; I can’t help but think of how strange this little group would have seemed just a few years ago, or even today, in different parts of the world. The diversity of the children is astounding to me — the ethnic and religious backgrounds represented by this small circle span at least eight or nine countries. I am delighted by their innocence and ease with each other.

As she blows out her candles, and the other children wait breathlessly to see if she will get her wish, I know that this is where acceptance begins. This environment is where the tapestry of belief gets woven; these little ones don’t see differences, they see similarities. And when differences do arise, I’m hoping that they will be a cause for celebration and growth. Today this little circle of friendship helps me believe we are making a good start
July 17, 2006 10:562
Total Posts: 6
Join Date: June 6, 2006
Rank: Beginner
Post Date: July 17, 2006
Points: 30
Location: Sri Lanka

Re: Diversity

Dear Madure,

I have been reading all your articles on a regular basis and am quite impressed by the fact that you post diversified articles continously - humor, quotes, stories, CIPD learnings etc which is a combination of a well-equipped knowledge resource.

Also, the postings of chrm are worthwhile and i also keep a tab of the same. I feel the website has enough resources to benefit anyone who knows to utilise it to its fullest potential. Also, after having read that the website shall become a paid site in the next few days, I don't think anyone would really mind paying a subscription considering that this website has already created a brand awareness in many cities and countries. Infact the other day, by boss asked me to register to this website (which i had already done) but just for the sake of it asked him about this website and he had due regards for the same. Infact, i and a few freinds of mine have also started to mention in our resume - "Member of - The Global HR Forum"

So, plz keep posting your wonderful messages, madure..

